Monday, August 31, 2009

After Ike: On the Island

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It's still so odd to drive up 61st to the Gulf
and see no 61st Street Pier
The sign says
"enjoy our upper deck"


Melli said...

That is the saddest thing I've seen all day. Tooooooo sad... :(

I don't know when I might get another trip to Texas. I sure would LIKE to come back... but there's so many other places I've NEVER been yet, that it's not my "first priority"... ya know? However... I never know what situations might pop up with my niece and the need for help with her kids... so don't write me off! I MAY end up in your neck o' the woods sooner than I think!

Amber Star said...

That is a sad sight, but it is starting to come back isn't it? My daughter's office in Kemah...right on the boardwalk is back. I've been wanting to get down there....and we may have someone to come in to help with my in laws...thank you, Lord!

PJ said...

The big names have come back, but many Mom and Pop shops have not. The lower income residential is a mess. Many homes are shredded yet people appear to be living there just the same. It's very sad.