These are just MY opinions, feel free to leave your own in the comments
Allie: I think it was Tammy that said Allie is like a bulldog. True she is aggressive, but sometimes overly emotional and that may be her downfall in these final tasks.
Roxanne: Roxanne on the other hand seems rather UN-emotional.
I think she will need to demonstrate more passion in the coming weeks to pull ahead.
Tammy: Tammy is the quiet one, the peacemaker.
I like her, but wonder if she is strong enough to pull off a win.
Sean: Sean seems like a strong candidate, but I can't help but wonder why he wants this job.
I think he would be happier riding off with Tammy into the sunset.
Lee: What can you see about Lee?
He's young and smart and wants to work for Donald Trump.
Unless he makes a major mistake, I think he'll have the job.
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