Tuesday, May 09, 2006

The Apprentice: week 11

It's the men against the women now that we are down to 6 candidates.

The task is to co-ordinate with OutBack Steakhouse and throw a huge tail gate party at Rutger's homecoming football game.

The guys, led once again by Lee have big ideas and appeared to have thrown a successful bash.
They forgot one critical point---this is a selling task.

Roxanne is PM for Synergy, and understanding the way to a win has nothing to do with cheerleaders, the trio sell their way to a big win.

In the boardroom, there is no need to throw anyone under the bus.
Trump is clearly disappointed in Michael's performance and without a lot of discussion says,
Michael, you're fired.

Excedrin Pain of the Week Contest
The Apprentice at Yahoo

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